We have come to a very unique juncture in time, where we are transitioning into the 4th industrial revolution. This is a time where technology as we know it will start to escalate in its rate of change. Our lives and jobs will surely be impacted. But how? It is time to consider this and take stock of where we might stand now and three to five years later. | Your Life is About to Change This may be the most important economic exposé you ever read. In 2008, I gave a speech in which I explained the concept of a secular bull market. Secular markets are typically driven by large-scale national and worldwide events and forces that are in place for many years. | The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. | Atlas, The Next Generation | Proudly Brought to You I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends | Emily Lim | | | | unsubscribe | You are receiving this email because you're my client, a friend or you've given permission to receive this email. If you'd rather not receive our emails, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking 'Unsubscribe' above. © Emily Lim, All rights reserved. | | | Lim Ee AiHome Maker Hi Everyone,
Emily is very professional and knowledgeable in her work of field, always there to help and advise when we need her.
I went for my cataract operation in November 2022 and she was the one helping me sourced for Doctor and even accompany me to the consultation, very grateful to her!
All of our family members have policies with her, when insurance is concern, she's the one to approach, no second thought!
She is such a kind-hearted, caring, generous and empathetic person, very eager to lend a helping hand for those in need! We are very happy to have her taking care of our insurance matters! | | | Kwa Eng KiatBusiness Development, Digital Dream Hi Everyone,
Emily has been providing us with tip-top and excellent service throughout the many years that she has been our insurance agent. Her quick response and professional advice has always been appreciated by my wife and I as well as our family.
Emily's extensive knowledge and experience in the financial planning/insurance industry is of great importance to us as she provides sound advice for our insurance requirements.
Through the many years, we have become more than agent/client. We are close family friends now. | | | Amy LoFinancial Consultant, Prudential Hi Everyone,
My Director, Emily, is passionate about her work especially in helping her clients in anyway possible whenever her services are required. Her passion is one important factor that made me stayed with her for over 20 years.
Not only she loves her clients, she also strive to help her consultants whenever possible. We can count on her to help out whenever we encounter issues with our work. | | | Doreen Lau Ah GuatDoing community work now Hi Friends,
Emily is caring and efficient who has empathy for her clients. She will go all the way out to help them. She is fast, efficient and very reliable. She is not only our financial consultant but our good family friend. | | | Roger ChenFinancial Consultant, Prudential Hi Everyone,
Putting People First - is certainly the best way to describe my leader, Emily.
Emily is a leader who always have people’s interests at heart, she is always willing to go the extra mile for people who requires help, I have never heard her rejecting people’s plea for genuine help, this is especially rare in a world where many people are used to be self-centered, focusing only on their benefits.
From this selfless trait she has, I have learnt to be generous with people and to be sensitive to people’s well-being.
Towards her own associates, she has also never stopped finding ways to groom her associates to be the best version of themselves even if it risks sounding like a stern parent at home because she only wishes to see her associates prosper and do well in life as she believes that each of us, no matter which starting point we are at, will have the potential to be better and she never gives up on us even if we ourselves may have given up on ourselves. If you are seeking a leader who can inspire you to be become the best version you can be, Emily is the one to look for! | | | Tracy PangFlorist, Lavender Bliss Hi Everyone,
She is my insurance agent and she has all the insurance knowledge to answer all my questions.
Also, she is always cheerful and very supportive of my online business. It's like a life mentor giving me guidance and encouragement with her experience and inspiration.
Thank you Emily. | | | | |