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Emily Lim

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A Monthly Curated Newsletter

As Lunar New Year celebrations unfold and we gather with friends and family, let us remember that prosperity is not just about wealth and abundance but also about the wisdom shared and traditions passed down through generations. Amid the laughter, meals, and festivities—and the inherent hope and symbolism they carry—be kind and mindful to yourself and others, ensuring that the deeper meaning of heritage, connection, and togetherness endures beyond the moment.

The Art of Red Packets: A Parent’s Guide to Financial Wisdom During Lunar New Year

This article highlights how parents can use the tradition of red packets to teach children financial literacy, focusing on saving, spending, and sharing wisely.

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5 Ways To Deal With Chinese New Year Leftovers

This article offers creative ways to repurpose Chinese New Year leftovers into new dishes. It suggests making bak kwa sandwiches, creating cookie crumbles for desserts, turning mandarin oranges into marmalade, converting pineapple tart fillings into jam, and using leftover meats and bones to make flavorful stocks.

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8 Ways to Spring Clean Your Finances This Year

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Emily Lim
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Lee Chen Xi
Patient Care Assistant, IHH Healthcare

Hi Everyone, Auntie Emily has been and will continue to be my go-to insurance agent, as her passion and sincerity in taking care of our financial future shines through her work, she goes the extra mile and ensures that we truly understand the plans that we chose to participate in, whilst also catering specialised plans for different members of our family. Apart from being an insurance agent, Auntie Emily continually exposes us to different career pathways through attending the events that she recommended, and also gives us advice beyond that expected from the usual insurance agent. She is the embodiment of service from the heart and will definitely brighten your life! Dear Auntie Emily, I am deeply grateful for the advice and opportunities that you have extended to me and my family, thank you very much for being a shining torch along our journey!

Ong York Chin

Hi Everybody, Time flies, I have been insured with Prudential for almost 30 years, approached by Emily Lim, my good friend. I knew her when she was working in MINDEF. Over the years, I and my children are insured with Prudential. Besides, I also invest in Prudential products which are introduced by Emily. Emily is a cheerful, friendly and resourceful agent, especially because I've had problems recently to get a hospital bed for my husband and engage a helper to assist me in taking care of him. She assisted me to get the wanted items FOC and a suitable maid within a short time frame. I am grateful to her. Currently, she is in charge of all my Prudential products. When any of my policies mature, she will remind me. I am thankful to have such a responsive agent.

Richard Tan
Transport Service Provider

Hi Everyone, I personally do not believe in Insurance all my life until my wife was diagnosed with rare lung cancer stage IV in 2019. My late wife approached Emily to complain about severe backache. Emily arranged an orthopedic doctor to see her. Emily also took the time to fetch her to the doctor and stayed with her to accompany her the whole day. She also fetched her from chemo on days when I was busy with my work. Which agent would do that? Only Emily would do it! Not only Emily took care of my wife’s hospitalization claims, but she also took care of my wife spirituality. My wife was called home to the Lord after almost 2 years of fight with cancer. Emily also helped me process claims from other Insurers too. Emily has become my family member too. Recently, she also helped my maid Jiabao and accompanied her to SGH and private doctor to check on her health issue. Thanks Emily with gratitude! Talk to her and get yourself protected. I too, have just got my overdue hospitalization policies which she approached me in 2010. If not for Emily’s help, I won’t know how to pay off my wife’s treatment bills which amount to 6 figures.

Jennifer Koh

Hi Everyone, I am very grateful to Emily for saving my life way back in 2010. I remembered on that fateful day I was feeling very sick and the GP ordered me to admit to A&E immediately, but not sure of which hospital to go to. I gave a call to Emily and she straight away drove to my office and picked me up. Before heading to SGH A&E, she insisted that I should have my lunch first. She accompanied me thru the registration at the A&E. Next thing I landed up in hospital for next 2 months. Doctor mentioned that I was saved in the nick of time as I didn't know I was critically ill. On that day, Emily liaised with my kids on where I was and arranged for them to visit me on the next day. I had since entrusted my children and myself in her care knowing that she will be ever ready to take care of me and my family. Thanks Emily! You are always so helpful and willing to go extra mile for others. You are awesome!

Wendy Ong
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, My director, Emily, is a dedicated and heartwarming superior. She is genuine in helping her agents and does it wholeheartedly without complains. Be it underwriting status or claims, just a word from us and she will go all out to seek answers for our queries. Emily’s vast experience in this industry makes her a great mentor to her agents. Her sincerity coupled with the amount & depth of attention that she give her clients are valuable traits that she passed down to us. Because of her strong emphasis on servicing, we naturally strive to be responsible consultants for our clients. Our job is not always smooth sailing as we have to constantly deal with rejections and sometimes difficult clients. However, with a supportive team and passionate leader, work becomes much more enjoyable!

Amy Lo
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, My Director, Emily, is passionate about her work especially in helping her clients in anyway possible whenever her services are required. Her passion is one important factor that made me stayed with her for over 20 years. Not only she loves her clients, she also strive to help her consultants whenever possible. We can count on her to help out whenever we encounter issues with our work.