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Emily Lim

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Persistence and perseverance are the cornerstones of personal growth. As we enter the final stretch of the year, these traits become even more essential. Discover ways to harness determination, build resilience, and stay committed to your goals. Even when the journey feels long and challenging, remember—you’re closer than you think. Let’s push through this last lap together.

The Power of Persistence

This article explores how persistence influences success by fostering resilience, adaptability, and growth through consistent effort despite setbacks. It highlights persistence as crucial for long-term achievement.

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How You Too Can Improve Your Perseverance Skills with These 10 Tips

This article offers 10 practical strategies for enhancing perseverance, covering areas like mental toughness, motivation, patience, and breaking down big goals into manageable tasks.

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The strongest predictor for success | Angela Lee Duckworth

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Emily Lim
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Janice Sam
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, Emily is a leader who is willing to go the extra mile to support us with claims, underwriting, and new businesses. She would invite other successful colleagues to give us inspiration and encouragement for our career here at Prudential. She would also invite other experts on other expertise such as investment to keep us abreast of the current market outlook. She would also provide us with courses to help us with upskilling our knowledge and improving our skills.

Wendy Ong
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, My director, Emily, is a dedicated and heartwarming superior. She is genuine in helping her agents and does it wholeheartedly without complains. Be it underwriting status or claims, just a word from us and she will go all out to seek answers for our queries. Emily’s vast experience in this industry makes her a great mentor to her agents. Her sincerity coupled with the amount & depth of attention that she give her clients are valuable traits that she passed down to us. Because of her strong emphasis on servicing, we naturally strive to be responsible consultants for our clients. Our job is not always smooth sailing as we have to constantly deal with rejections and sometimes difficult clients. However, with a supportive team and passionate leader, work becomes much more enjoyable!

Alexander Kong
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, I have always struggled to find my place in the world. So it was easy for me to settle into a reserved geeky existence. However the harsh and expensive reality of life makes it impossible to continue living that way. Moreover it was particularly painful when family who knows me and cares for me worries whether I would make it in life. Hence I made 180 degree switch into sales and business and never looked back. Changing and transforming to be better is painful and often times frustrating. Even more so when you are finding your way on your own without guidance. Things truly change for me when I met Emily and joined her team. My stars change, from a dependent and hopeless nobody into an independent and thriving agent, husband, father and son to his family and clients. I have been blessed with many great leaders in my life but Emily is truly one of a kind. Through blood, sweat and tears she is fully committed to the transformation, livelihood and my growth as well as her team. Results don't lie. I have grown to believe in myself and begin to see how things can turn out well. I am able to see how I can have a happy succesful and fulfilled life thanks to Emily. If you are looking to change your stars? My question to you is "What are you WAITING FOR?" Although Emily would be constantly knocking at your door, the question you need to come to terms with is this: "How much longer do you want to delay your breakthrough and get closer to the life of your choosing?". The opportunity is already here.

Amy Lo
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, My Director, Emily, is passionate about her work especially in helping her clients in anyway possible whenever her services are required. Her passion is one important factor that made me stayed with her for over 20 years. Not only she loves her clients, she also strive to help her consultants whenever possible. We can count on her to help out whenever we encounter issues with our work.

Roger Chen
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, Putting People First - is certainly the best way to describe my leader, Emily. Emily is a leader who always have people’s interests at heart, she is always willing to go the extra mile for people who requires help, I have never heard her rejecting people’s plea for genuine help, this is especially rare in a world where many people are used to be self-centered, focusing only on their benefits. From this selfless trait she has, I have learnt to be generous with people and to be sensitive to people’s well-being. Towards her own associates, she has also never stopped finding ways to groom her associates to be the best version of themselves even if it risks sounding like a stern parent at home because she only wishes to see her associates prosper and do well in life as she believes that each of us, no matter which starting point we are at, will have the potential to be better and she never gives up on us even if we ourselves may have given up on ourselves. If you are seeking a leader who can inspire you to be become the best version you can be, Emily is the one to look for!

Ong York Chin

Hi Everybody, Time flies, I have been insured with Prudential for almost 30 years, approached by Emily Lim, my good friend. I knew her when she was working in MINDEF. Over the years, I and my children are insured with Prudential. Besides, I also invest in Prudential products which are introduced by Emily. Emily is a cheerful, friendly and resourceful agent, especially because I've had problems recently to get a hospital bed for my husband and engage a helper to assist me in taking care of him. She assisted me to get the wanted items FOC and a suitable maid within a short time frame. I am grateful to her. Currently, she is in charge of all my Prudential products. When any of my policies mature, she will remind me. I am thankful to have such a responsive agent.