Singapore is growing as a cultural center. But why is Art important? And how can Art, in its many forms make our lives better? Deep within all of us, there's a need for expression and appreciation. There's certainly more for us to explore and learn about Art. Do not miss the video below. Oh how beautiful this is ~ a celebration of art and life! | Top 10 skills children learn from the arts You don’t find school reformers talking much about how we need to train more teachers in the arts, given the current obsession with science, math, technology and engineering (STEM), but here’s a list of skills that young people learn from studying the arts. | The raw truth about how ART saved my life “The arts – things like poetry and music and drama and writing - - those things weren’t luxuries they were necessities. No matter where you come from, they knew we needed those experiences to feed our souls and make us whole and complete individuals.” - Michelle Obama | A Little Girl Gives Coins To A Street Musician And Gets The Best Surprise In Return | Proudly Brought to You I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends | Emily Lim | | | | unsubscribe | You are receiving this email because you're my client, a friend or you've given permission to receive this email. If you'd rather not receive our emails, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking 'Unsubscribe' above. © Emily Lim, All rights reserved. | | | Chern Sueh PingRetiree Hi Everyone,
I am thankful to Emily who helped me find a TCM for my injury after a fall last April 2022. She came and fetched me to the TCM for treatment for at least twice. All my claims were successful. If you want to get a reliable agent, look for Emily! | | | Tan Wee King (Ms)Professional Nurse Award 1995Commonwealth Foundation Award 1999Inaugural President's Award for Nurses 200030 years Community Service Award Hi Emily,
I believe my journey with you, which started during one of the lowest points in my life, will go far.
My husband had got himself a rare policy in order to support his ex-colleague – Emily Lim. A kind deed deserves another. When he passed on in 2016, Emily impressed me with her efficiency with a human touch when she helped process the policy claim. We had been friends since.
Emily has been a financial advisor to me like none other (I have four or five others). She keeps in touch intrusively. From her casual sharing, I hear of how she befriends her clients who need help and would go out of her way to assist, often what even family members would do.
I was touched by her concern for her staff, coaching them and giving them a leg-up when necessary, beyond work to their spiritual needs. Her role-modelling of attending to persons as a total fellow human being with multi-faceted needs would be helpful to those who are willing to learn from her.
As I age, I’m confident that I have a companion in Emily, as a friend and financial consultant who would be ready to assist and advise when necessary.
I thank God for you, Emily. May He continue to show you favour and anoint you with His love. | | | Lee Ler YangStudent, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Hi Everyone,
Aunty Emily has always been around my family. Whenever we needed any clarification for our policies, she would always be available to answer our queries.
My personal experience with aunty Emily is when she recommended a policy to my sisters and me. She painstakingly went through every detail of the alternatives and justified what’s best for us. What’s best for us, and not what’s most profitable for herself.
When I expressed my interest in her business, she unselfishly brought me into her workplace and gave me advice on how I could go about achieving what I wish to be in the future.
Aunty Emily is very generous in offering her help to my sisters and me, she supported me in my studies to ease the burden off my mother.
I'm thankful for everything aunty Emily had done for my family and me.
Aunty Emily, no words can express my gratitude to you, thank you for being around us, I’m grateful to have you as a mentor. Please continue to guide me along. Thank you. | | | Richard TanTransport Service Provider Hi Everyone,
I personally do not believe in Insurance all my life until my wife was diagnosed with rare lung cancer stage IV in 2019. My late wife approached Emily to complain about severe backache. Emily arranged an orthopedic doctor to see her. Emily also took the time to fetch her to the doctor and stayed with her to accompany her the whole day. She also fetched her from chemo on days when I was busy with my work. Which agent would do that? Only Emily would do it! Not only Emily took care of my wife’s hospitalization claims, but she also took care of my wife spirituality. My wife was called home to the Lord after almost 2 years of fight with cancer. Emily also helped me process claims from other Insurers too. Emily has become my family member too. Recently, she also helped my maid Jiabao and accompanied her to SGH and private doctor to check on her health issue.
Thanks Emily with gratitude! Talk to her and get yourself protected. I too, have just got my overdue hospitalization policies which she approached me in 2010. If not for Emily’s help, I won’t know how to pay off my wife’s treatment bills which amount to 6 figures. | | | Jeremy and Catharine LimScientist & Homemaker Hi Everyone,
Emily has served our parents faithfully ever since she started her career in this industry more than 30 years ago. We have been privileged to be under her care for the past few years. We have come across and been served by our fair share of 'financial consultants'.
Emily really stands out with her honest sincerity and wealth of experience. She advises with our best interests at heart, prioritizing our needs rather than her personal agenda. As a veteran in the industry, we appreciate that she continues to keep up with the trends and competition - so her advice remains relevant to our changing needs. Her after-sales service is equally stellar and timely, often involving her going above and beyond what is required. A simple and recent example would be when she found out we were down with Covid. Emily immediately arranged to bring food, fresh coconuts and herbal medicines personally to our doorstep.
Truly, Emily is more like a wise friend with practical advice we can turn to than a mere financial consultant going through the motions. | | | Jennifer KohAdministration Hi Everyone,
I am very grateful to Emily for saving my life way back in 2010. I remembered on that fateful day I was feeling very sick and the GP ordered me to admit to A&E immediately, but not sure of which hospital to go to. I gave a call to Emily and she straight away drove to my office and picked me up. Before heading to SGH A&E, she insisted that I should have my lunch first. She accompanied me thru the registration at the A&E. Next thing I landed up in hospital for next 2 months. Doctor mentioned that I was saved in the nick of time as I didn't know I was critically ill. On that day, Emily liaised with my kids on where I was and arranged for them to visit me on the next day.
I had since entrusted my children and myself in her care knowing that she will be ever ready to take care of me and my family. Thanks Emily! You are always so helpful and willing to go extra mile for others. You are awesome!
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