In the words of Poet Ali in his TED Talk, "Every language we learn is a portal by which we can access another language"; the more we know, the more we can speak. To round off the year, I'd like us to take a moment to learn new concepts, stories and ways of seeking and connecting, which will empower us to adapt to the needs of others & ourselves in the way we relate, love, heal, and see possibilities. I hope this inspires you. | 18 Meaningful Ways To Enrich Your Life Right Now These ways mainly include loving more, being vigilant with our thoughts, having a positive attitude, being of service to others, building character, making peace with the past & forgiveness of self and others, and discovering & living our purpose. | Kafka and the Travelling Doll A stunning tale of loss, love, healing and new beginnings as from one of the most influential authors of the 20th century, Franz Kafka, who went on a quest to comfort a little girl at the park who lost her doll through his written letters and uplifting storytelling from the persona of the doll. This story is delicate and precious; and holds a surreal, magical quality that weave into our consciousness and nestle somewhere deep in our hearts. | The universal languages of human being | Poet Ali | Proudly Brought to You I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers. | Emily Lim | | | | unsubscribe | You are receiving this email because you're my client, a friend or you've given permission to receive this email. If you'd rather not receive our emails, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking 'Unsubscribe' above. © Emily Lim, All rights reserved. | | | Alexander KongFinancial Consultant, Prudential Hi Everyone,
I have always struggled to find my place in the world. So it was easy for me to settle into a reserved geeky existence. However the harsh and expensive reality of life makes it impossible to continue living that way. Moreover it was particularly painful when family who knows me and cares for me worries whether I would make it in life. Hence I made 180 degree switch into sales and business and never looked back.
Changing and transforming to be better is painful and often times frustrating. Even more so when you are finding your way on your own without guidance. Things truly change for me when I met Emily and joined her team. My stars change, from a dependent and hopeless nobody into an independent and thriving agent, husband, father and son to his family and clients.
I have been blessed with many great leaders in my life but Emily is truly one of a kind. Through blood, sweat and tears she is fully committed to the transformation, livelihood and my growth as well as her team. Results don't lie. I have grown to believe in myself and begin to see how things can turn out well. I am able to see how I can have a happy succesful and fulfilled life thanks to Emily.
If you are looking to change your stars? My question to you is "What are you WAITING FOR?" Although Emily would be constantly knocking at your door, the question you need to come to terms with is this: "How much longer do you want to delay your breakthrough and get closer to the life of your choosing?". The opportunity is already here. | | | Evelyn Lui Wan ThengClerical, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Hi Everyone,
I have a very good relationship with Emily. Her ever-ready helpful, kind & positive attitude has always provided me & my families’ members with her First Class service. I have decided to engage Emily as my financial planner cause I have witnessed how she will always go thru the extra-mile to assist all of my other families members especially from being there with them during those final moments till processing the claims. I truly appreciate the speed all my claims were processed so far especially when I had a fracture 3 years ago. Not forgetting the off-&-on TCM treatment claims for my lower back injury, incurred from a fall at home too.
She also helped me with my travel baggage claims when my luggage was damaged at the airport on one of my holiday trips couple of years ago. Hence I strongly recommend Emily for your financial planning as she has me & my family best interest at heart. | | | Lim Ee AiHome Maker Hi Everyone,
Emily is very professional and knowledgeable in her work of field, always there to help and advise when we need her.
I went for my cataract operation in November 2022 and she was the one helping me sourced for Doctor and even accompany me to the consultation, very grateful to her!
All of our family members have policies with her, when insurance is concern, she's the one to approach, no second thought!
She is such a kind-hearted, caring, generous and empathetic person, very eager to lend a helping hand for those in need! We are very happy to have her taking care of our insurance matters! | | | Tan Wee King (Ms)Professional Nurse Award 1995Commonwealth Foundation Award 1999Inaugural President's Award for Nurses 200030 years Community Service Award Hi Emily,
I believe my journey with you, which started during one of the lowest points in my life, will go far.
My husband had got himself a rare policy in order to support his ex-colleague – Emily Lim. A kind deed deserves another. When he passed on in 2016, Emily impressed me with her efficiency with a human touch when she helped process the policy claim. We had been friends since.
Emily has been a financial advisor to me like none other (I have four or five others). She keeps in touch intrusively. From her casual sharing, I hear of how she befriends her clients who need help and would go out of her way to assist, often what even family members would do.
I was touched by her concern for her staff, coaching them and giving them a leg-up when necessary, beyond work to their spiritual needs. Her role-modelling of attending to persons as a total fellow human being with multi-faceted needs would be helpful to those who are willing to learn from her.
As I age, I’m confident that I have a companion in Emily, as a friend and financial consultant who would be ready to assist and advise when necessary.
I thank God for you, Emily. May He continue to show you favour and anoint you with His love. | | | Janice SamFinancial Consultant, Prudential Hi Everyone,
Emily is a leader who is willing to go the extra mile to support us with claims, underwriting, and new businesses.
She would invite other successful colleagues to give us inspiration and encouragement for our career here at Prudential. She would also invite other experts on other expertise such as investment to keep us abreast of the current market outlook. She would also provide us with courses to help us with upskilling our knowledge and improving our skills. | | | Chia Bee KimSafety Officer Hi Everyone,
I just need to call my FC Emily Lim for help to get a right lady gynecologist. Bingo, Emily fixed appointment for me. I just need to show up for the appointment. She was also there physically to support me. Thank you, Emily! | | | | |