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Emily Lim

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Every one is different, and differences in opinions, interests, backgrounds and personalities tend to come with conflicts. Whether is it our co-workers, friends, family members or even our partners, disputes are not only common, but they're natural and sometimes inevitable. The question is, while such conflicts arise, how do we navigate them? Do we attempt to work through issues amicably with others, or do we allow our egos and emotions to rear its ugly head? Today, we look at practical tips on how we can manage ourselves and relationships in more mature ways.

Tips for Managing Conflict

Conflict is natural and happens in every ongoing relationship. Here are some tips for Managing Conflict.

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4 Ways to Resolve Financial Conflicts With Your Partner

Knowing how to speak with someone and deal with money conflicts makes it more likely you will have a healthy partnership with clear boundaries and expectations. Below are four ways to resolve financial conflicts with a loved one by addressing and untangling to money-oriented squabbles.

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8 Ways to Become More Emotionally Mature

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Emily Lim
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Kwa Eng Kiat
Business Development, Digital Dream

Hi Everyone, Emily has been providing us with tip-top and excellent service throughout the many years that she has been our insurance agent. Her quick response and professional advice has always been appreciated by my wife and I as well as our family. Emily's extensive knowledge and experience in the financial planning/insurance industry is of great importance to us as she provides sound advice for our insurance requirements. Through the many years, we have become more than agent/client. We are close family friends now.

Wendy Ong
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, My director, Emily, is a dedicated and heartwarming superior. She is genuine in helping her agents and does it wholeheartedly without complains. Be it underwriting status or claims, just a word from us and she will go all out to seek answers for our queries. Emily’s vast experience in this industry makes her a great mentor to her agents. Her sincerity coupled with the amount & depth of attention that she give her clients are valuable traits that she passed down to us. Because of her strong emphasis on servicing, we naturally strive to be responsible consultants for our clients. Our job is not always smooth sailing as we have to constantly deal with rejections and sometimes difficult clients. However, with a supportive team and passionate leader, work becomes much more enjoyable!

Lim Ee Ai
Home Maker

Hi Everyone, Emily is very professional and knowledgeable in her work of field, always there to help and advise when we need her. I went for my cataract operation in November 2022 and she was the one helping me sourced for Doctor and even accompany me to the consultation, very grateful to her! All of our family members have policies with her, when insurance is concern, she's the one to approach, no second thought! She is such a kind-hearted, caring, generous and empathetic person, very eager to lend a helping hand for those in need! We are very happy to have her taking care of our insurance matters!

Jennifer Koh

Hi Everyone, I am very grateful to Emily for saving my life way back in 2010. I remembered on that fateful day I was feeling very sick and the GP ordered me to admit to A&E immediately, but not sure of which hospital to go to. I gave a call to Emily and she straight away drove to my office and picked me up. Before heading to SGH A&E, she insisted that I should have my lunch first. She accompanied me thru the registration at the A&E. Next thing I landed up in hospital for next 2 months. Doctor mentioned that I was saved in the nick of time as I didn't know I was critically ill. On that day, Emily liaised with my kids on where I was and arranged for them to visit me on the next day. I had since entrusted my children and myself in her care knowing that she will be ever ready to take care of me and my family. Thanks Emily! You are always so helpful and willing to go extra mile for others. You are awesome!

Ong Kok Fong
Teacher, Ministry Of Education

Hi All, Emily is not just my insurance agent. She is a wonderful friend who helped me and my family by rendering her help to us as our most needy time. She analysed the existing policy that we are holding and would recommend what we need to us. My greatest appreciation from her came when my mother was ill. Emily helped my family and I so much. From ferrying my mother to treatments, to lending us her car for our usage when she’s out of town. I always asked myself, which insurance agent would do that? After my mother passed on, she helped us with the process to file for claims and such. Not just for the claims to her company but other insurance companies as well. We would be lost without her careful guidance. Apart from being my insurance , she had also helped to monitor the funds I had, ensuring that I would not suffer any losses. Emily is not an agent who goes to her clients for business purposes only. She wants the best for her clients within their comfortable budget. She is not someone who pushes for business for her own sales volume. she would be the first person available when the need arises. Emily is a very caring, she would do all she could to help anyone in need. Knowing that life is tough for me as a single mother, she often checks on me to make sure I m well. When she knows my children want to be exposed to the financial consultant field, she immediately offer to take them in and enroll them in any available platform. I’m so grateful to have Emily as my one and only trusted agent and my personal friend.

Peter Teo
Financial Services Manager, Prudential

Hi Everyone, Emily has been there with me since the beginning. Till date I am already 15 years in the career, thus we have worked with each other for a long time. She has always inspired me with her generosity, letting me realized there is so much more in giving than taking. This attribute has helped me progress well in this career and thus I will say Emily has been an integral part in my growth. She has always been frank with the people she deals with and that helps a lot in shaping many of us who are under her watch. On a personal note, she cares about my family as well and not just the career and I appreciate a lot for this caring side of her. Looking forward to future interactions with Emily in the years ahead. Thanks Emily for being there for me all this while :)