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Emily Lim

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Whether we are mothers ourselves or simply have someone in our lives who has played a motherly role to us, chances are, our lives have been influenced in profound ways by motherhood. Let's take a moment in this issue to honour, value, and draw lessons from the incredible wisdom of women and mothers who have impacted our worlds.

At 29 and married for just a month, she found out she had Stage 3.5 lymphoma and fought for her life

One month after her wedding, Kristen Juliet Soh discovered she had advanced lymphoma, a type of blood cancer that affects the body's lymphatic system. She opened up to CNA Women about how she fought for her life, overcame extraordinary trials with her husband, and went on to have two children.

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Financial Lessons From Mom That Built A Lasting Legacy

Some of the most valuable financial lessons are taught at home from a young age and can be instrumental in building a legacy of financial stability and security. Elliot Kallen's mother is a survivor of the Great Depression and the Auschwitz concentration camp. Having applied his mother's advice to real-life situations to sustain financial well-being and professional success, Kallen, President of Prosperity Financial Group, has won accolades throughout his career and attributes those successes to his mother's words of (financial) wisdom.

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Don't Underestimate Working Mothers | Dana Sumpter | TEDxCSULB

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Emily Lim
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Lee Ler Yang
Student, Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Hi Everyone, Aunty Emily has always been around my family. Whenever we needed any clarification for our policies, she would always be available to answer our queries. My personal experience with aunty Emily is when she recommended a policy to my sisters and me. She painstakingly went through every detail of the alternatives and justified what’s best for us. What’s best for us, and not what’s most profitable for herself. When I expressed my interest in her business, she unselfishly brought me into her workplace and gave me advice on how I could go about achieving what I wish to be in the future. Aunty Emily is very generous in offering her help to my sisters and me, she supported me in my studies to ease the burden off my mother. I'm thankful for everything aunty Emily had done for my family and me. Aunty Emily, no words can express my gratitude to you, thank you for being around us, I’m grateful to have you as a mentor. Please continue to guide me along. Thank you.

Alexander Kong
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, I have always struggled to find my place in the world. So it was easy for me to settle into a reserved geeky existence. However the harsh and expensive reality of life makes it impossible to continue living that way. Moreover it was particularly painful when family who knows me and cares for me worries whether I would make it in life. Hence I made 180 degree switch into sales and business and never looked back. Changing and transforming to be better is painful and often times frustrating. Even more so when you are finding your way on your own without guidance. Things truly change for me when I met Emily and joined her team. My stars change, from a dependent and hopeless nobody into an independent and thriving agent, husband, father and son to his family and clients. I have been blessed with many great leaders in my life but Emily is truly one of a kind. Through blood, sweat and tears she is fully committed to the transformation, livelihood and my growth as well as her team. Results don't lie. I have grown to believe in myself and begin to see how things can turn out well. I am able to see how I can have a happy succesful and fulfilled life thanks to Emily. If you are looking to change your stars? My question to you is "What are you WAITING FOR?" Although Emily would be constantly knocking at your door, the question you need to come to terms with is this: "How much longer do you want to delay your breakthrough and get closer to the life of your choosing?". The opportunity is already here.

Doreen Lau Ah Guat
Doing community work now

Hi Friends, Emily is caring and efficient who has empathy for her clients. She will go all the way out to help them. She is fast, efficient and very reliable. She is not only our financial consultant but our good family friend.

Wendy Ong
Financial Consultant, Prudential

Hi Everyone, My director, Emily, is a dedicated and heartwarming superior. She is genuine in helping her agents and does it wholeheartedly without complains. Be it underwriting status or claims, just a word from us and she will go all out to seek answers for our queries. Emily’s vast experience in this industry makes her a great mentor to her agents. Her sincerity coupled with the amount & depth of attention that she give her clients are valuable traits that she passed down to us. Because of her strong emphasis on servicing, we naturally strive to be responsible consultants for our clients. Our job is not always smooth sailing as we have to constantly deal with rejections and sometimes difficult clients. However, with a supportive team and passionate leader, work becomes much more enjoyable!

Lee Chen Xi
Patient Care Assistant, IHH Healthcare

Hi Everyone, Auntie Emily has been and will continue to be my go-to insurance agent, as her passion and sincerity in taking care of our financial future shines through her work, she goes the extra mile and ensures that we truly understand the plans that we chose to participate in, whilst also catering specialised plans for different members of our family. Apart from being an insurance agent, Auntie Emily continually exposes us to different career pathways through attending the events that she recommended, and also gives us advice beyond that expected from the usual insurance agent. She is the embodiment of service from the heart and will definitely brighten your life! Dear Auntie Emily, I am deeply grateful for the advice and opportunities that you have extended to me and my family, thank you very much for being a shining torch along our journey!

Chia Bee Kim
Safety Officer

Hi Everyone, I just need to call my FC Emily Lim for help to get a right lady gynecologist. Bingo, Emily fixed appointment for me. I just need to show up for the appointment. She was also there physically to support me. Thank you, Emily!