Health is important, so is a good life and great food! One of the great thing about being in Singapore is that there's always new food places to explore. In this issue, I'd like to bring you to a couple really good yummy places - wrapped up with a hilarious video you don't wanna miss. | A Noodle Story (Amoy Street Food Centre) The owners take pride in their work and there's lots of stuff for everyone. From the onsen egg, shrimp wanton to the homemade charsiew! | Sea Salt - The Seafood Place (Salute Coffeeshop) Keeping things simple and fresh is Seasalt's philosophy. Dig into a scrumptious pot of mussels at this stall (also situated in Salut Coffeeshop), and choose from a selection of sauces including white wine, garlic cream, blue cheese, and even tom yum! | 10 Types Of People In The Hawker Centre | Proudly Brought to You I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends | Emily Lim | | | | unsubscribe | You are receiving this email because you're my client, a friend or you've given permission to receive this email. If you'd rather not receive our emails, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking 'Unsubscribe' above. © Emily Lim, All rights reserved. | | | Evelyn Lui Wan ThengClerical, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Hi Everyone,
I have a very good relationship with Emily. Her ever-ready helpful, kind & positive attitude has always provided me & my families’ members with her First Class service. I have decided to engage Emily as my financial planner cause I have witnessed how she will always go thru the extra-mile to assist all of my other families members especially from being there with them during those final moments till processing the claims. I truly appreciate the speed all my claims were processed so far especially when I had a fracture 3 years ago. Not forgetting the off-&-on TCM treatment claims for my lower back injury, incurred from a fall at home too.
She also helped me with my travel baggage claims when my luggage was damaged at the airport on one of my holiday trips couple of years ago. Hence I strongly recommend Emily for your financial planning as she has me & my family best interest at heart. | | | Richard TanTransport Service Provider Hi Everyone,
I personally do not believe in Insurance all my life until my wife was diagnosed with rare lung cancer stage IV in 2019. My late wife approached Emily to complain about severe backache. Emily arranged an orthopedic doctor to see her. Emily also took the time to fetch her to the doctor and stayed with her to accompany her the whole day. She also fetched her from chemo on days when I was busy with my work. Which agent would do that? Only Emily would do it! Not only Emily took care of my wife’s hospitalization claims, but she also took care of my wife spirituality. My wife was called home to the Lord after almost 2 years of fight with cancer. Emily also helped me process claims from other Insurers too. Emily has become my family member too. Recently, she also helped my maid Jiabao and accompanied her to SGH and private doctor to check on her health issue.
Thanks Emily with gratitude! Talk to her and get yourself protected. I too, have just got my overdue hospitalization policies which she approached me in 2010. If not for Emily’s help, I won’t know how to pay off my wife’s treatment bills which amount to 6 figures. | | | Ong York ChinRetiree Hi Everybody,
Time flies, I have been insured with Prudential for almost 30 years, approached by Emily Lim, my good friend. I knew her when she was working in MINDEF. Over the years, I and my children are insured with Prudential. Besides, I also invest in Prudential products which are introduced by Emily.
Emily is a cheerful, friendly and resourceful agent, especially because I've had problems recently to get a hospital bed for my husband and engage a helper to assist me in taking care of him. She assisted me to get the wanted items FOC and a suitable maid within a short time frame. I am grateful to her.
Currently, she is in charge of all my Prudential products. When any of my policies mature, she will remind me. I am thankful to have such a responsive agent. | | | Janice SamFinancial Consultant, Prudential Hi Everyone,
Emily is a leader who is willing to go the extra mile to support us with claims, underwriting, and new businesses.
She would invite other successful colleagues to give us inspiration and encouragement for our career here at Prudential. She would also invite other experts on other expertise such as investment to keep us abreast of the current market outlook. She would also provide us with courses to help us with upskilling our knowledge and improving our skills. | | | Tracy PangFlorist, Lavender Bliss Hi Everyone,
She is my insurance agent and she has all the insurance knowledge to answer all my questions.
Also, she is always cheerful and very supportive of my online business. It's like a life mentor giving me guidance and encouragement with her experience and inspiration.
Thank you Emily. | | | Lim Ee AiHome Maker Hi Everyone,
Emily is very professional and knowledgeable in her work of field, always there to help and advise when we need her.
I went for my cataract operation in November 2022 and she was the one helping me sourced for Doctor and even accompany me to the consultation, very grateful to her!
All of our family members have policies with her, when insurance is concern, she's the one to approach, no second thought!
She is such a kind-hearted, caring, generous and empathetic person, very eager to lend a helping hand for those in need! We are very happy to have her taking care of our insurance matters! | | | | |