As we begin a fresh year, it is a good idea to not just evaluate ourselves based on the previous year on how we have been managing our lives, but also to find out ways to become more productive as we move along. In this issue, I'd like to share with you some powerful ideas on productivity and how we can make the best of our resources, time, energy and capabilities. Let's do this! | Why "Done is Better Than Perfect" by Sheryl Sandberg The CEO of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, has one of the best success quotes to live by: Done is Better Than Perfect. The innovative products that we know are constantly evolving; and we're not likely to ever reach perfection as no one has. Instead, getting things done is more important than being perfect, and this applies to various areas in our lives. | Creating Time: How to Master the Art of Intentionality Global economic indicators suggest that despite the additional hours that people work daily, outcomes remain low. Everyone is busy — but that isn’t necessarily translating into productivity. According to Harvard University researchers, our attention wanders away from what we’re doing 46.9% of the time. For both leaders and employees, that’s half the work day. Half a day of not being fully present with tasks and people. This lack of presence is costly. | The Perfectionist Trap | Celina Belizan | Proudly Brought to You I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers. | Emily Lim | | | | unsubscribe | You are receiving this email because you're my client, a friend or you've given permission to receive this email. If you'd rather not receive our emails, you can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking 'Unsubscribe' above. © Emily Lim, All rights reserved. | | | Jennifer KohAdministration Hi Everyone,
I am very grateful to Emily for saving my life way back in 2010. I remembered on that fateful day I was feeling very sick and the GP ordered me to admit to A&E immediately, but not sure of which hospital to go to. I gave a call to Emily and she straight away drove to my office and picked me up. Before heading to SGH A&E, she insisted that I should have my lunch first. She accompanied me thru the registration at the A&E. Next thing I landed up in hospital for next 2 months. Doctor mentioned that I was saved in the nick of time as I didn't know I was critically ill. On that day, Emily liaised with my kids on where I was and arranged for them to visit me on the next day.
I had since entrusted my children and myself in her care knowing that she will be ever ready to take care of me and my family. Thanks Emily! You are always so helpful and willing to go extra mile for others. You are awesome!
| | | Tracy PangFlorist, Lavender Bliss Hi Everyone,
She is my insurance agent and she has all the insurance knowledge to answer all my questions.
Also, she is always cheerful and very supportive of my online business. It's like a life mentor giving me guidance and encouragement with her experience and inspiration.
Thank you Emily. | | | Alexander KongFinancial Consultant, Prudential Hi Everyone,
I have always struggled to find my place in the world. So it was easy for me to settle into a reserved geeky existence. However the harsh and expensive reality of life makes it impossible to continue living that way. Moreover it was particularly painful when family who knows me and cares for me worries whether I would make it in life. Hence I made 180 degree switch into sales and business and never looked back.
Changing and transforming to be better is painful and often times frustrating. Even more so when you are finding your way on your own without guidance. Things truly change for me when I met Emily and joined her team. My stars change, from a dependent and hopeless nobody into an independent and thriving agent, husband, father and son to his family and clients.
I have been blessed with many great leaders in my life but Emily is truly one of a kind. Through blood, sweat and tears she is fully committed to the transformation, livelihood and my growth as well as her team. Results don't lie. I have grown to believe in myself and begin to see how things can turn out well. I am able to see how I can have a happy succesful and fulfilled life thanks to Emily.
If you are looking to change your stars? My question to you is "What are you WAITING FOR?" Although Emily would be constantly knocking at your door, the question you need to come to terms with is this: "How much longer do you want to delay your breakthrough and get closer to the life of your choosing?". The opportunity is already here. | | | Kwa Eng KiatBusiness Development, Digital Dream Hi Everyone,
Emily has been providing us with tip-top and excellent service throughout the many years that she has been our insurance agent. Her quick response and professional advice has always been appreciated by my wife and I as well as our family.
Emily's extensive knowledge and experience in the financial planning/insurance industry is of great importance to us as she provides sound advice for our insurance requirements.
Through the many years, we have become more than agent/client. We are close family friends now. | | | Tan Wee King (Ms)Professional Nurse Award 1995Commonwealth Foundation Award 1999Inaugural President's Award for Nurses 200030 years Community Service Award Hi Emily,
I believe my journey with you, which started during one of the lowest points in my life, will go far.
My husband had got himself a rare policy in order to support his ex-colleague – Emily Lim. A kind deed deserves another. When he passed on in 2016, Emily impressed me with her efficiency with a human touch when she helped process the policy claim. We had been friends since.
Emily has been a financial advisor to me like none other (I have four or five others). She keeps in touch intrusively. From her casual sharing, I hear of how she befriends her clients who need help and would go out of her way to assist, often what even family members would do.
I was touched by her concern for her staff, coaching them and giving them a leg-up when necessary, beyond work to their spiritual needs. Her role-modelling of attending to persons as a total fellow human being with multi-faceted needs would be helpful to those who are willing to learn from her.
As I age, I’m confident that I have a companion in Emily, as a friend and financial consultant who would be ready to assist and advise when necessary.
I thank God for you, Emily. May He continue to show you favour and anoint you with His love. | | | Peter TeoFinancial Services Manager, Prudential Hi Everyone,
Emily has been there with me since the beginning. Till date I am already 15 years in the career, thus we have worked with each other for a long time. She has always inspired me with her generosity, letting me realized there is so much more in giving than taking. This attribute has helped me progress well in this career and thus I will say Emily has been an integral part in my growth.
She has always been frank with the people she deals with and that helps a lot in shaping many of us who are under her watch. On a personal note, she cares about my family as well and not just the career and I appreciate a lot for this caring side of her.
Looking forward to future interactions with Emily in the years ahead. Thanks Emily for being there for me all this while :) | | | | |