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Emily Lim

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

It is a season of feasting, socialising and spending time with our family and friends. Amidst the bustle of festive preparations and joviality, let us not forget to take care of our well-being even as we celebrate this time of wealth, health and happiness. Stay safe, savvy and prosper!

Top 10 Realistic Tips for a Healthy Festive Chinese New Year

From proper planning before the festivities, to playing Charades during home-visits and repurposing delicious CNY leftovers - here are 10 easy, and very doable tips to keep you happy and healthy this Chinese New Year.

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Chinese New Year Budgeting (2022) – How Much Does It Cost To Follow Tradition?

As one half of a young, married couple who’s just moved into our own place, I am only just starting to realise that Chinese New Year costs a truckload of money. Since we’re about 2 weeks away from Feb 1, 2022, I decided that I need to start budgeting for CNY. I compiled a list of CNY traditions and superstitions, and then I noted down the costs involved.

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Chinese New Year Healthy Yee Sang - Homemade Chinese New Year Prosperity Toss Salad

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Emily Lim
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Evelyn Lui Wan Theng
Clerical, Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Hi Everyone, I have a very good relationship with Emily. Her ever-ready helpful, kind & positive attitude has always provided me & my families’ members with her First Class service. I have decided to engage Emily as my financial planner cause I have witnessed how she will always go thru the extra-mile to assist all of my other families members especially from being there with them during those final moments till processing the claims. I truly appreciate the speed all my claims were processed so far especially when I had a fracture 3 years ago. Not forgetting the off-&-on TCM treatment claims for my lower back injury, incurred from a fall at home too. She also helped me with my travel baggage claims when my luggage was damaged at the airport on one of my holiday trips couple of years ago. Hence I strongly recommend Emily for your financial planning as she has me & my family best interest at heart.

Doreen Lau Ah Guat
Doing community work now

Hi Friends, Emily is caring and efficient who has empathy for her clients. She will go all the way out to help them. She is fast, efficient and very reliable. She is not only our financial consultant but our good family friend.

Richard Tan
Transport Service Provider

Hi Everyone, I personally do not believe in Insurance all my life until my wife was diagnosed with rare lung cancer stage IV in 2019. My late wife approached Emily to complain about severe backache. Emily arranged an orthopedic doctor to see her. Emily also took the time to fetch her to the doctor and stayed with her to accompany her the whole day. She also fetched her from chemo on days when I was busy with my work. Which agent would do that? Only Emily would do it! Not only Emily took care of my wife’s hospitalization claims, but she also took care of my wife spirituality. My wife was called home to the Lord after almost 2 years of fight with cancer. Emily also helped me process claims from other Insurers too. Emily has become my family member too. Recently, she also helped my maid Jiabao and accompanied her to SGH and private doctor to check on her health issue. Thanks Emily with gratitude! Talk to her and get yourself protected. I too, have just got my overdue hospitalization policies which she approached me in 2010. If not for Emily’s help, I won’t know how to pay off my wife’s treatment bills which amount to 6 figures.

Ong Kok Fong
Teacher, Ministry Of Education

Hi All, Emily is not just my insurance agent. She is a wonderful friend who helped me and my family by rendering her help to us as our most needy time. She analysed the existing policy that we are holding and would recommend what we need to us. My greatest appreciation from her came when my mother was ill. Emily helped my family and I so much. From ferrying my mother to treatments, to lending us her car for our usage when she’s out of town. I always asked myself, which insurance agent would do that? After my mother passed on, she helped us with the process to file for claims and such. Not just for the claims to her company but other insurance companies as well. We would be lost without her careful guidance. Apart from being my insurance , she had also helped to monitor the funds I had, ensuring that I would not suffer any losses. Emily is not an agent who goes to her clients for business purposes only. She wants the best for her clients within their comfortable budget. She is not someone who pushes for business for her own sales volume. she would be the first person available when the need arises. Emily is a very caring, she would do all she could to help anyone in need. Knowing that life is tough for me as a single mother, she often checks on me to make sure I m well. When she knows my children want to be exposed to the financial consultant field, she immediately offer to take them in and enroll them in any available platform. I’m so grateful to have Emily as my one and only trusted agent and my personal friend.

Lim Ee Ai
Home Maker

Hi Everyone, Emily is very professional and knowledgeable in her work of field, always there to help and advise when we need her. I went for my cataract operation in November 2022 and she was the one helping me sourced for Doctor and even accompany me to the consultation, very grateful to her! All of our family members have policies with her, when insurance is concern, she's the one to approach, no second thought! She is such a kind-hearted, caring, generous and empathetic person, very eager to lend a helping hand for those in need! We are very happy to have her taking care of our insurance matters!

Chern Sueh Ping

Hi Everyone, I am thankful to Emily who helped me find a TCM for my injury after a fall last April 2022. She came and fetched me to the TCM for treatment for at least twice. All my claims were successful. If you want to get a reliable agent, look for Emily!